Relevance of one-loop SMEFT matching in the 2HDM

The Two-Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM) is a well understood alternative to the Standard Model of particle physics. If the new particles included in the 2HDM are at an energy scale much greater than the weak scale, the theory can be matched to the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). We compute for the first time the complete one-loop matching at dimension-6. We compare its numerical impact with that of tree-level matching at dimension-8 by performing a global fit to single Higgs and precision electroweak measurements, and we emphasize the importance of comparing one-loop SMEFT results with corresponding one-loop results in the full 2HDM model. In the SMEFT, we consider the relative importance of both one-loop matching and the inclusion of renormalization group evolution. Our results demonstrate the necessity of studying the impact of various expansions to quantify the uncertainties of the SMEFT matching.