Samuel Homiller

Samuel Homiller

Bethe Postdoctoral Fellow

LEPP, Cornell University


I am the Hans Bethe Postdoctoral Fellow in the Laboratory for Elementary-Particle Physics at Cornell University. Previously, I was a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the High Energy Theory Group at Harvard University, working under Professor Matthew Reece on various topics in High Energy Theory and Particle Phenomenology.

Prior to my postdoctoral career, I obtained my Ph.D. as part of the C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP) at Stony Brook University, working with Professor Patrick Meade. My dissertation was awarded the J. J. and Noriko Sakurai Dissertation Award in Theoretical Particle Physics in 2021. I also spent some time as a visitor at Brookhaven National Laboratory working with Sally Dawson as part of the DOE SCGSR (Graduate Student Research) Program. I did my undergraduate work at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign where I graduated in 2015 with a B.S. in Physics and a B.S. in Mathematics.

More details can be found in my CV, or see more information about my publications at Inspire.

  • Beyond the Standard Model Particle Physics
  • Higgs Boson Physics
  • Dynamics and Symmetry Breaking in Quantum Field Theory
  • Flavor Physics
  • Physics of the Early Universe
  • Machine Learning Applications
  • Ph.D. in Physics, 2020

    Stony Brook University

  • B.S. in Physics, 2015

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • B.S. in Mathematics, 2015

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


My research focuses on physics beyond the Standard Model.

For more information on some of the directions I have worked in, see the pages linked in the slider below.

Recent Publications

Relevance of one-loop SMEFT matching in the 2HDM
Zero Modes of Massive Fermions Delocalize from Axion Strings
Wrinkles in the Froggatt-Nielsen Mechanism and Flavorful New Physics
Models of Higgsed CP and their Cosmology
Beyond 6: The Role of Dimension-8 Operators in an EFT for the 2HDM
